Monday, 22 November 2010

Happy Christmas from the Bartletts

Happy Christmas from Tom, Linda, Samuel and Eleanor Bartlett!

Our dear friends and family,

We wish you a blessed Christmas time and hope that it will be a time of faith, blessing, rest and recuperation and filled with joy from being with many of the ones you love.

Maybe the Bartlett blog is becoming a Christmas tradition. It feels like it is the best way to share much of our news and to give you the opportunity to see a few pictures of what we have been getting up to since last year. Let us know what you think via the blog (or otherwise). To see all of the blog you need to open the tabs on the right side of the blog and then you can go way back to Christmas 2009. We've tried not to make it too long.

To summarise news from each of us let's start with Tom. He is working as a career adviser for a private company, which receives contracts from Job Centre Plus. This involves helping unemployed adults with CVs, interview techniques and applications and is very rewarding. When Tom is not working or acting as the Bartlett children's taxi service he in actively involved in the men's prayer group at church and in writing. Take a look at Tom's blog to read some.

Linda continues to work for the local council as an education consultant leading an excellent team. This is a service which is traded to schools and so with the current climate they are having to become more entrepreneurial. Her greatest passion outside work and family is her quilting and she has finished a number of projects this year. Maybe one day she will share them on a blog. One day she dreams of running a quilters retreat in her home, where people can find solace and relaxation from the pressures of modern life. She is curently recuperating after having had her gall bladder removed!

Samuel is in his GCSE year and need we say more! It is a hard balancing act with his football and social calendar! However, Samuel does have a goal as he has decided that he really wants to become a sports journalist. He seems to have a photographic memory of sporting trivia. He is currently captain of his football team. Most importantly, he is growing into an extremely kind and thoughtful young person.

Eleanor is in Year 9 and has a lovely group of friends from school. She has just finished scouting and is looking for the next hobby to take up. She takes a piano exam this week, but will teach herself after this. Eleanor is proving to be a capable cook and likes to be imaginative. She also enjoys babysitting and is looking for more work. Eleanor is kind and considerate, with a bubbly personality too.

Our faith continues to be the cornerstone of our lives, individually and as a family and we constantly hold you in our prayers. After God, you come first for us. Do always let us know what you would like us to pray for, for you. We are all on Facebook too.

Our prayer requests for us this year are that:

  • the children will come to fully know the Lord and that they will make the personal decison to let Him lead their lives into adulthood;
  • Samuel will revise well for his GCSEs and not become overwhelmed or worried;
  • Eleanor will make good progress in school, especialy in maths and that she wil be a confident learner;
  • Eleanor will find a new hobby to inspire her;
  • Tom and Linda's jobs will remain secure in all the government cut-backs and that God will lead them forward with any new steps;
  • we will remain strong as a family despite all the pressures on our time
  • recovery for Linda

May God Bless you all richly,

Happy Christmas. Jesus was born for us all.

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